Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Review - Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates #3 by Mark Millar and Leinil Yu

This is the issue where it hits the fan.

The comic fan that is. The comic fan gets hit with a big bunch of silliness.

Nick Fury was pinpointed as a traitor in issue one and Carol Danvers was shown to be employing Tyrone Cash, the first Hulk, also making her a traitor. Good guys as traitors? Ee-gad!

Now we have the fallout, but first...

Now recovered enough to drink martinis, Tony Stark decides the best and easiest way to discharge himself from hospital is to buy the hospital itself which you can apparently do at 2am in the morning. So, I'm assuming it's a private hospital, because of course you couldn't buy a public hospital. And let's just push aside the fact (as Millar has done) that this sort of transaction isn't like buying a car. But of course he has to get out of hospital because...

Nick Fury has turned up at S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters. Seemingly able to infiltrate (with the rest of the Avengers, mind you) the heavily secured facility without being detected even when everyone is looking for him. Why? So Carol Danvers can immediately start shooting and there can be a massive punch-up between the Ultimates and the Avengers of course! Lucky that Iron Man instinctively knew what was happening, other wise he might've missed the punch up!

With Captain America kicking the bejesus out of Fury it's up to the Punisher to save him.

In the tradition of the previous two covers of the series, this issue doesn't cover the 'Death of Spiderman' proper as proclaimed, although he does make an appearance right at the end to cop a bullet. I'm not spoiling anything here, I mean, the whole thing has been billed as the Death of Spiderman, so  I suppose that means he is going to die... sometime.

Spiderman apparently can swing faster than a speeding Punisher's bullet. Instead of just grabbing Captain America with his webslinger thingies and pulling him out of the way of said bullet, it's more advisable (heroic even) for Spidey to put himself in harm's way by knocking Cap out of the bullet's path with his body. Both Fury and Cap are shocked! Nearly as much as readers, no doubt.

Oh and there's a bunch of gratuitous boob shots.

This: Silliness factor ramped up to grimace level.

Forthcoming: The quality has been fluctuating. The next could be better, and... well, I'm here now. Let's see if Spiderman actually dies.. not that I actually care too much.

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